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高姓彩乃(こうせい あやの)

旅先のドイツでタイ古式マッサージに出会い、 ITM(International Training Massage School)の 教師より指導を受ける。 帰国後タイ・チェンマイのITM本校を訪れ上級コースを習得。また「アクアビューティーカレッジ」にてボディー・フェイシャルエステ、アロマセラピーについて学ぶ。

​その後「統合整体教室ユニバーサルセラピー」にて、中国整体、東洋医学、オステオパシー、 クラニオセイクラルセラピー(頭蓋仙骨療法)、内臓マニュピレーション等、整体に関する様々な学びを深める。

現在、松のを治療院 谷本吉隆氏に師事、円環療法を学ぶ。



I began learning Thai Traditional Massage while traveling in Germany when I met a teacher of ITM(International Training Massage School) and began receiving lessons. After returning from my trip, I decided to go to Thailand to continue studying the advanced techniques of Thai Traditional Massage at ITM Chiang Mai. Between these trips I also studied facial and body oil massage. Then I studied “Universal Therapy,” which integrates Chinese Bodywork, Eastern medicine, Ostheopathy, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral Therapy, etc. Now I studies under Yoshitaka Tanimoto, learning "円環療法ーCircular ring method" which involves anatomical knowledge. When I am not conducting or studying massage, I enjoys doing Ashtanga Yoga and dancing to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

​ 【ご予約・お問い合わせ/ Reservation&Contact】
      ☎︎ 080-4490-5696 
        (こうせい あやの Ayano Kohsei )
       【時間・料金/ Time&Fee】
30min 2,000yen/ 60min 4,000yen
90min 6,000yen/ 120min 8,000yen​
+1,000yen for visiting sessions.


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